Selected Links

Official Blizzard Sites Game News and Information Class Specific Sites Humor Friends
  • Legacy of Steel (EQ) - the guild that started it all
  • Valorguard (EQ) - we stole a few friends from here too
  • Talon - our favoured opponents, horde raiding guild on Stormrage founded by Karmie/Kyntaro
  • Honorbound - casual pst-based alliance guild on Hyjal founded by Antilles/Chanteez
  • Team Ice - hardcore horde guild on Illidan founded by Triton (EQ) with a few former LoS
  • Sunder - alliance guild on Proudmoore containing a few former LoS
  • Ruined - alliance guild on Proudmoore containing a few old-old-school LoS
  • Stormrage - message board for the server where both Evil Empire and Talon reside